Testosterone for Men

Does Pine Pollen Support Testosterone Levels? Here's What You Need to Know

Support Your Hormone Health Naturally With Pine Pollen

Raw Pine Pollen is one of the most popular supplements for supporting hormones naturally. This is because Pine Pollen is one of the few plants that naturally contains natural androgenic hormones, including plant based T.

Pine Pollen is the male sperm of the Pine Tree and is largely responsible for triggering the massive amount of new growth experienced each spring.

This powerful substance is spread by the wind and blankets the earth in coat of T and other growth promoting phyto-androgen hormones (DHEA, Androsterone, and Androstenedione).

Some researcher even believe that Pollen may be partially to credit for the growth of children each spring and summer,  when kids are exposed to large amounts of pollen, sunlight and activity.

This may be true considering this is the time when all other animals reproduce and all plants enter their growth cycles. 

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Why are Hormones Important?

Testosterone is an essential hormone produced in men and women. Though men obviously require more of this important hormone, it plays a very important role in the female body as well.  

Low testosterone in either men or women can contribute to whole host of health issues including:  high cholesterol, premature aging, muscle and bone loss, highs and lows in blood sugar levels, decreased levels of aerobic energy, weight gain, low sex drive and erectile dysfunction.

Low testosterone may also play a role in the development of prostate issues due to the increase in estradiol in the body.

For serious athletes and lifters, having optimal levels of testosterone is key to maximizing the body's growth and recovery capabilities. 

How Does Pine Pollen Support Your Hormones?

Pine Pollen helps support hormone balance within the rest of the endocrine system by supplying the body with a supplemental source of this vital hormone. 

As we age, and for various environmental and other reasons, testosterone production will fluctuate and eventually taper off and decline over time.

This is why it may be beneficial to our health to look to external sources and therapies to replace the hormones no longer being produced by our own bodies. This is where Pine Pollen comes in.

It can also be a valuable tool for people with healthy hormones who are simply looking to optimize their health and performance. 

How does pine pollen effect hormones?

Pine Pollen supplies your body with a supplemental source of natural hormones that can easily be absorbed and used by the body. Though these hormones are plant based, the T in Pine Pollen is close to chemically identical to that which is produced within the human body.

However, unlike anabolic steroids, Pine Pollen has not been known to cause endocrine system failure, side effects, or atrophy of the testicles.

This is because Pine Pollen does not get recognized by the body and does not effect the feedback loop the body works off to monitor hormone levels and production.  

All of the hormones in Pine Pollen help to restore hormonal balance in the body, in addition to supporting optimal health and vitality.  

Pine Pollen also contains other natural vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that also contribute to optimal health and peak physical performance.

Additional Benefits of Pine Pollen’s Hormones

  • Stronger Sexual Drive and Libido

  • Skin Rejuvenation

  • Improved Immune Function

  • Minimized or Slowing of the Aging Processes Related to Hormone Decline

  • Increased Muscle Growth

  • Increased Energy and Drive

Again, because Pine Pollen contains hormones and other androgenic hormones, it can be a great tool to help naturally boost T, and supply the body the support it needs to build lean muscle, lose fat, slow the aging process and improve immune function. 

Cycling Pine Pollen

Like with all herbs, we recommend cycling Pine Pollen on a 5 day on, 2 day off cycle. Or, on a 3 week on, 1 week off cycle. This will help the body from becoming adapted to the pollen, reducing it’s benefits.

References and research on the benefits of pine pollen

  1. Analysis of pharmacological effects and clinical application of pine pollen. (Sheng wise et al, 2018)

  2. Effects of Pine Pollen Extract in Relieving Hot Flushes in Sex Hormone-Deficienct Rats.  (Thisayakorn, 2017) 

  3. Androgenic and Anabolic Effects of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr Pollen in Clarias gariepinus. (Ausussto S Jr,  2017)

  4. Immune-Enhancing Effects of Taishan Pinus massoniana Pollen Polysaccharides on DNA Vaccine Expressing Bordetella avium ompA (Fujie Zhu, 2016)

  5. Effect of pine pollen extract on experimental chronic arthritis; (Axenov-Gribanov DV, 2016) 

  6. Analysis of human food safety and laxative function of pine pollen Wen Ping Jing, 2016)

  7. The protective effects of Masson pine pollen aqueous extract on CCl4-induced oxidative damage of human hepatic cells. Jin X, 2015)

  8. Characterization and Biological Activity of Taishan Pinus massoniana Pollen Polysaccharide In Vitro (Shifa Yang, 2015)

  9. Actinobacteria possessing antimicrobial and antioxidant activities isolated from the pollen of scots pine; (Gen-Xiang Mao, 2012)

  10. Antiaging Effect of Pine Pollen in Human Diploid Fibroblasts and in a Mouse Model Induced by D-Galactose (Gen-Xiang Mao, 2012)

  11. Vitamin D and its metabolites in the pollen of pine. Part 5: Steroid hormones in the pollen of pine species. Pharmazie. (Saden-Krehula M, Tajíć M.1987)

About the Author:

Michael DiCroce is Founder and CEO of Wild Warrior Nutrition. Michael is a healthy lifestyle advocate with a mission to get people to replace their garbage protein shakes and synthetic multivitamins with real, nutrient dense superfoods.

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